4 Simple Tips for a Worry-Free Summer in Your Home

Want to enjoy a worry-free summer in your new home? We've got you covered! Summer is the perfect time to relax and soak up the sun, and with our four easy tips, your home will be ready for anything the season throws your way. Let's dive in and make this summer the best one yet!

1. Inspect Your HVAC System

The summer heat can put a significant strain on your HVAC system, and no cool air on a hot summer day is the last thing you want.

Get your HVAC system ready for the summer by scheduling an appointment for an inspection and cleaning. While our units are new, it’s never a bad idea to make sure nothing unexpected happens. Bonus tip: make life even easier for your HVAC by replacing the air filters in your home to improve air quality and help your system run more smoothly.

2. Seal Windows and Doors

With the AC pumping, energy efficiency is crucial during the hot summer months.

Keep your cool air indoors by making sure gaps and cracks around your windows and doors are sealed. Weatherstripping works best for sealing spaces around doors, while caulk is easier to use for gaps around windows. Warm air isn’t the only thing this will help keep out — summer bugs like wasps and ants will have a much harder time getting inside your cool oasis. 

3. Check Your Roof and Attic

When summer storms roll through, your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. Safely climb on a ladder to access your roof and inspect it for any missing or damaged shingles that could lead to leaks. If everything looks good, move inside to the attic. With more heat and humidity in the summer months, you’ll want to make sure your attic is properly ventilated to prevent heat buildup, mold and moisture. For extra precaution during a heatwave, add a fan or dehumidifier to the space. 

4. Maintain Your Lawn and Garden

Don’t let all that spring yard work you did go to waste! With the flowers already planted and the lawn fertilized, all that’s left is the maintenance work to keep your yard looking its best. 

Mow your lawn about once a week to keep the grass at a healthy height and prevent stress,  disease and overgrowth. If your lawn starts to look dried out from the summer heat, make sure you water it with a sprinkler or irrigation system. Your plants will need lots of water too, and the best time to water them is early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation and ensure they get enough hydration.

Ready to Get Summer-Ready?

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